The Bulletproof Process for Loving Monday

Do you get the Sunday Scaries?

For the majority of people it’s not a question of IF you’ll get the Sunday Scaries, but when you’ll get them. In the U.S. about 70% of people hate Monday and about 14% of you start dreading Monday, on Sunday morning.

If Monday’s not your favorite day I want to help you change that. I have a foolproof, bulletproof, no-fail process that will help you not only get over the Sunday Scaries but will get you to “love Monday just like Friday but for a different reason”.

All you have to do is exactly what I tell you to do.

The process can be a DIY (Do it Yourself) process or I can coach you and get you there even faster.

The process relies heavily on you doing some work. Some of it is fun and interesting. Some of it is difficult and uncomfortable. That being said, if you do it, it WILL work. You’ll have a job where you can thrive, not just “get by”.

Let’s get to it.

Step 1: Identify Your Monday Mistakes

There are 4 mistakes that make people hate Monday and if you hate Monday, you’re making at least one of them.

The 4 mistakes:

The Michael Jordan Mistake: trying to be good at everything

The Marty McFly Mistake: Fixating on your weaknesses to the point that it’s paralyzing.

The Bruce Jenner Mistake: Trying to be something you’re not

The Horrible Bosses Mistake: Having a horrible boss and keeping them

For details on the 4 mistakes check out my other blogs

Step 2: Identify Your Career Drivers

What drives your career? What are the motivators that keep you getting up on Monday? So how do you get an idea of what your career drivers are? Go to the AppStore or wherever you get your apps and get an app called “Career Drivers by Bridge”. Through process of elimination, you’ll arrive at your top 5 drivers.

Step 3: Identify Your Strengths

There are 34 strengths themes found to be universal in all people, but you typically play to 5 to 8 of themes. Themes are things such as Competition, Self-assurance, and Ideation. To find your top 5 strengths go to and take the CliftonStrenghts assessment. As of the date of this writing, the cost is $25.

Step 4: Identify That Thing You Rocked

Everybody has one of these. I’ve yet to meet someone who hasn’t had something they’ve done, be it an occupation, a project, or a task where time passed without notice, they knew instinctively what to do, they were in a state of flow, they derived energy from it, and they couldn’t wait to get back and do it again.

Yep, you’ve got one too, and you’re thinking about it right now. Think about it in detail. I’ll bet you remember a lot of details not just about what you were doing, but probably the time of day, the weather, where you were, and who was with you. That’s because peak experiences like these are profound. So much so that they hang with you. Now, go think about 3 other things you rocked and make a list of what they have in common.

Step 5: Tell Your Story in Your LinkedIn Profile

The are 900 million people on Linkedin and 899,999,900 look the same. No banner image, a list of the last 3 jobs and bullets, lots and lots of bullets. I wrote a blog a few years ago called “Here’s why I fell asleep in your interview”. It’s about how often I’ve been bored interviewing people, and that boredom starts with LinkedIn profiles that all look the same as everybody else’s profile. They inspire interview questions responses that sound the same as everybody else’s.

Delete the bullets. List every job you’ve ever been paid for and then tell a story about an experience at each job and what you learned through that experience. This is going to come in handy when you start interviewing.

Step 6: Do Your 5 x 5

The 5 x 5 is a list of the 5 organizations you’d most love to work for and 5 reasons that you’d love to work for them. Only 5. That should be enough to find a place for you to thrive.

Step 7: Build Your Network

Now go out to Linkedin and find people in the 5 organizations from your 5 x 5. Start sending connection requests to them. And when you connect, tell them you like to actually connect with your connections and set up a time for them to tell you about themselves and what they love about where they work. Get as many connections as you can from each of the 5 organizations. Also, while you’re out on Linkedin (and this should probably be its own step) start posting content out there - every day.

Step 8: Look for Jobs at Your 5 x 5 Organizations

Now that you’ve started building your network in the 5 organizations where you’d love to work, start looking for jobs in these. Oh yeah, and you’re NOT ALLOWED to apply for jobs anywhere else. I don’t care if the perfect job is open in another organization. What good does it do to have your dream job in a place where you don’t want to work? No good. It does you no good at all.

Step 9: Apply for Jobs at your 5 x 5 Organizations Using Your Network

Oh yeah, for step 8, don’t just start filling out applications. Use the network you’ve built to get your resume PAST recruiting and into the hands of people who make hiring decisions. Use that network you’ve got. Some of them might be on the hiring committee for the job you want anyway. Yes, that will make YOU, someone they already know, a top candidate, naturally.

Step 10: Do a mock interview and video record it

Now that you’ve got your network working for you, have someone interview you and record it because you need game film. You need to be able to see how you perform in an interview AND you need to watch yourself interview again and again. Just like a football team watches the film of their game from Sunday on Monday morning. Because you never see yourself as others see you and video DOES NOT LIE to you as you lie to yourself. Watch yourself in interviews until you can be almost out-of-body and look at yourself performing like it’s someone else. This sort of objectivity will allow you to be productively critical of yourself - meaning you’ll get past all the cringiness of watching yourself and begin to improve.

This process will make you a one-percenter among interview candidates.

Step 11: Interview for Jobs at Your 5 x 5

Now that you have a network of people who can walk your resume over to the hiring manager with a glowing referral and have seen plenty of game film of yourself in the interview process and now that you have stories to tell about all you know and how good you are at what you do, go slay the interviews

Step 12: Get One of Your Dream Jobs and Live Happily Ever After Loving Mondays Forevermore.

It’s that simple. How do I know this process will work? Because for people who do all the steps, it works in 100% of cases. The only thing that’ll make this more effective is if I coach you through the process. Coaching starts $95 per session and packages are available at a discount.


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